“As a Christian community, the safety and inclusion of all is what we value most. This is how we love and show love. When we move to in-person worship, we will expect all to take care of others, even as they take care of themselves. This is our covenant with each other in the Body of Christ at East End UMC.”
Since the beginning of the pandemic these words have guided the steps of the East End UMC community as we have worked to safely navigate the pandemic as a church. Now meeting in person for indoor worship, we continue to prioritize safety and inclusion in every decision we make.
COVID Policies
As vaccines are now available for children ages 6 months and up we have moved to a mask optional policy at all of our indoor gatherings including worship.
We will do our very best to provide video of all EEUMC gatherings for anyone who feels unsafe or unable to attend in person gatherings as we look to safely include all within our community.
East End UMC strongly encourages all who are eligible to get vaccinated against Covid-19 to do so.
As Christians, who are called to take care of others even as we take care of ourselves, we advocate for all to keep themselves and those around them safe along with doing their part to curb the spread of this virus by getting vaccinated and following the guidance of medical experts within the field of epedimiology.
If you have any questions or concerns about the vaccine or East End UMC's stance on the vaccine, please reach out to your medical Dr.