We hope you will take time to explore the resources provided here and consider how you can provide sustained financial support for our General operating expenses in 2025. Here you will find weekly updates with videos of our stewardship worship services and information about how you can support us in the coming year.
Throughout the remainder of September, our worship services each week will be focused on this unique moment in the life of our church as we are re-imagining, re-configuring, re-locating, and re-newing our church as we lean into our future ministry with East Nashville and the greater community. Each Sunday morning, we will be blessed by sermons from a variety of lay members as they remind us of the sure foundation of Jesus Christ who undergirds all our ministries, past, present, and future. They will invite us to consider how we can be a vital part of building upon the strong foundation that has been laid for us at EEUMC. We have much for which to be grateful.
In response to such gratitude, on Sunday, September 29, each of you will be invited to submit your estimated financial support for East End UMC in 2025. You should receive a letter in the mail in the coming weeks with more information about how you can help us build upon our strong foundation. It will include an “Estimate of Support” card that will allow you to indicate your level of giving for 2025.
This time last year, the direction of our church life, and especially our physical location, remained uncertain. What a difference a year makes! While there is still much to discover about who we will be and how we will be in ministry in the coming years, we now know we will be bulding upon a dual foundation of Christian witness in East Nashville: the long legacy of compassionate and all-embracing love of East End UM and the legacy of the historically fruitful ministry of the fomer Tulip Street United Methodist Church. As we build upon our ultimate foundation in Christ's love, while also literally building upon the foundation of these two histroric congregations, the future is full of possibilities.
Our guiding scripture for this year’s campaign is 1 Corinthians 3:9-11. As the Apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth, he reminds them that THEY are God’s building. While we anticipate a future on Russell Street, we must always remember that our church is ultimately built of people placed upon the sure foundation of Jesus Christ. As the well-known children’s hymn puts it, “I am the church, you are the church, WE are the church together.” Through our joyful giving, we make the church a reality in the world. Every gift, no matter the size, helps EEUMC build upon the sure foundation.
September 15, 2024 Worship
September 22, 2024 Worship
September 29, 2024 Worship
Your financial support will make a difference in 2025. As we continue to expand our ministries and dream about our future, your support will help determine what is possible in 2025 and beyond. Every gift we receive helps us live into God's dreams for East End UMC.
Thank you for prayerfully considering your level of financial support to the mission and ministry of East End UMC.